
All participants on top10promocanada.com accept to abide by our terms and conditions. As a result, the users are urged to read and understand the terms of our agreement before attempting to use this website.
- By participating on this website, you confirm that you've attained the legal age of 18 years. Under no circumstances are underage persons allowable to make use of this website or the services offered here.
- We ensure to keep our pages updated at all times; even so, we cannot make promises about the completeness, accuracy or reliability of the contents and/or material that we post and publish.
- You agree that taking part in the services herein is at your own risk and discretion - and so, we can't under any circumstances be held legally responsible for losses and/or damages arising from using this website or associated sites.
- Note that we neither inspire users to break any law nor offer any legal advice. As such, it is your sole duty to check, confirm and abide by all regulations within the relevant jurisdictions covering online gambling activities.
- Be aware that you're going to come across hyperlinks embedded on this site (top10promocanada.com), which when followed lead to external websites commonly referred to as third parties. Be warned that we hold no permissible dominion over third parties or the contents they put up.
- We reserve the right to amend, remove or add clauses to this user agreement as we deem necessary.
- You confirm that you have read the terms and conditions herein before using our services.